Tock, Tock,Tock ,All Day Long

Tock, Tock,Tock ,All Day Long

        Long, long ago, in the faraway land of  Korea, there was a minister. On the right of his house , there live a blacksmith. On  the left,  there lived a carpenter.     The blacksmith and thus. carpenter  began their work  early in the morning.Tong, tong, tong -the blacksmith beat  the iron with his big hammer . Tock, tock, tock, the carpenter worked with his small hammer. Krrr. Krrr krrr he used  his saw to cut the wood  They worked day and night and night and  made a lot of noister.  I must do something about this ,! he thought

     One day, the minister called the blacksmith  I order you to shift your house somewhere  else. Ther he called the carpenter and gave him the same order After a few to the 

blacksmith went to the minister .  I m moving my house tomorrow he told the minister. The minister was happy. He said That s very kind of you .you are such a good man . Please stay for   lunch today.   


        Then the  carpenter. Came I m also moving my house tomorrow he told the minister.  The minister was  overlooked.  Oh no you are too kind please stay for lunch today.


       The minister offered his neighbours 

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